Sunday, May 10, 2009

Blog Housekeeping

Just been trying to do a tidy on my blog sidebars. I have still at the moment kept the list of blogs read as a separate item but this may vanish soon.

One or two issues though with reading lists and sidebars of blogs at the mo:
  1. Some blogs do not seem to have feeds.  I'm reluctant to shift them off my reading list completely as its becoming increasingly the way I update myself on blog writers.  Hmm...
  2. Some have been moved into the 'hiatus' list at the bottom of the sidebar.  This isn't ideal but some blogs have been resting for more time than others and some look more likely to disappear or not be restarted.
  3. I've now added 46 blogs to the automatic 'blogs I read' list - these have come mostly from ones I regularly read, ones that have been on my list and/or are ones I follow.  To allow for some circulation of names, I've told it to currently show just the 25 most recently updated.  If you're not writing, then that doesn't mean I don't love ya, but I won't be getting a prompt to visit.

Shout up folks if you think you're being neglected. I'll do my best.

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