Monday, July 11, 2005

Safety and Love

Have been away from the blog world since Thursday morning. News filtered through about the bombing as I was getting ready to go to Keele for academic related discussion. Except for trying to confirm people in London were okay, I've pretty much been off communication since my return.

I hope everyone is okay: there are still a few bloggers that haven't resurfaced. To those concerned about me and mine, as far as I can tell we're all okay. It's amazing how easy it is to accumulate contacts in London.

To those who wrote some wonderful and astute blogs over the last few days, thanks. Checking back over them today has been very helpful.

Normal service resuming as far as if possible tomorrow.
PS off work: gas man took an age and office decided best to work from home. Except compy is down at home so here I am at the local library...

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